06 June 2012


OK, almost a month? Shameful!

May was a pretty great month! Some highlights:

-Getting to see The Perrys while they were in Tri-Cities. We ate at Red Robin (their treat, we're SO lucky to have such great friends!) and I went to Heather's baby shower hosted by her friend Laura where we decorated cute onesies while Kenz & Josh played video games (perfect day!)

On our way to Kennewick!
-finding TONS of awesome stuff at garage sales that I will redo/decorate with/craft up

-Breia randomly came to visit Moses Lake and it was awesome to see her!

-Got to Skype with Ethan on Mother's Day!

-A few weeks ago, I was reading my friend Cora's blog. She worked in Alaska with us last summer and met then married one of my friends I'd known since AK '06. Anyway, they went back this summer and I was feeling SO AK trunky so I just randomly applied for an open position in Fairbanks. Well, that SAME day I found out that an awesome basement apartment was possibly opening up in our ward, so I emailed the owners and we will be moving there on the 16th! I'm super excited because it's the same price we're paying for our studio apt, but it's a 2 BEDROOM. Which means CRAFT ROOM! And they're letting us have Brucey, and it's just so exciting!

Brucey just relaxin' in the shade!
-Grandma & Grandpa Morrison came up with Kevin & Wendy Memorial weekend to help Craig take dance pictures. We had a ton of fun playing Russian Rummy, eating Wendy's delicious popcorn, and going to Surf 'n Slide Waterpark on Memorial Day (first sun burn in 2 years? Check!)

-I bought TONS of fabric and started my first quilt! It will be super cute and I'm excited to finish it eventually...I have about 7 projects going on right now!

iPhone case I designed on Shutterfly! 
-This week I started training for a 5k..I'm doing Couch to 5k (a training app that's really awesome) and will be running a 5k in 9 weeks, which means I can run with my mama in Minnesota in August! Can't wait to get there and Kenz can see the green and we can do fun stuff!

-I also bought a SUPER cute mustard chair yesterday that I will clean up and then post pics. Love!!

These days I am just content watching The Vampire Diaries and crafting. Loving it!

 Stephen Salvatore, YES PLEASE.

Here's to hoping that I can get back on track with blogging in June!


  1. Good stuff, thanks for the shout out! We really had fun with you guys.

  2. Amen to Vampire Diaries and Stefan. Not sure what the hype about Damon is! Glad you're doing well and can't wait to see more of your cute crafts!
