My birthday was awesome! I woke up and Mackenzie made me chocolate chip pancakes, then he went to work and the Morrisons took me out to lunch. We were going to go eat at the restaurant at the bowling alley and go bowling, but there were no lanes available so we ordered Papa John's and ate it at their place. I hung out there for a while, and then Jill, Hailey, Brindy, and I went and saw The Vow- way good movie. Kenz got home and we chilled for a bit and then we all went bowling at 10:00 for the cosmic bowling thing with black lights. It was a lot of fun! I got a few strikes, but sucked over all. It was still fun. Sunday night we went to the Morrisons' after church and had haystacks, and I baked a beautiful cake and made some chocolate mustaches:
This week I started working with Kenz at Papa John's! I love it. I don't deliver pizzas, just answer phones and make the pizzas, etc. I'm so happy to have a job! This week we'll be buying a king sized bed and getting Gracie fixed before she goes into heat! I have peace like a river :)
A king sized bed changed my life. I'm excited for you. And your cake/mustaches look incredible.