13 August 2011

MPL Trip

Kenz and I were able to take a trip down to the McKinley Princess Lodge for a couple of nights and have a super nice, super cheap vacation (the room was $50/night, we got 20% off food at the restaurant and gift shop items, and a free train ride back to Denali with free drinks and lunch!) It was so much fun. There's something about sleeping in a hotel room that makes things so much more exciting than sleeping in your own bed.

 We were able to see Denali three times while we were at MPL! They have a great view of the mountain from the viewing decks, and are still 40 miles away!

 Kenz and I goofing around taking pictures on our 4 hour train ride from Talkeetna back to Denali.

 Trying to take a picture of ourselves AND the mountain. Not easy when the sun is setting behind us! PS, this is 11:45pm!

 Classic Kenz/Ali picture.

 View of Denali from behind our hotel room.

 Kenz took this picture of me through a mirror in the lobby.

 So I tried taking one of him using the mirror technique.

 We met a nice guy on the deck who took a picture of us with the mountain behind. You can see Denali AND us!

 The view of Mt McKinley the next morning. Get this guy outta there!

 Picture of us taking in the view of the mountain from the deck. Somebody tell this guy to smile! Jeez.

 Mackenzie wanted to take some pictures of us on the train being "vogue"

 I tried taking some artsy train pics of my hubby on the train.

 This is not right.

Our good friend Kami was on the train that day passing out welcome packets to the guests heading to DPL.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're lucky you get to take vacations to pretty places. How long is Ken-z going to grow his beard?
