28 June 2012

Chasing the Sun

Is it already June 28th? Whoops. That month just FLEW by! I know I promised pictures of my redone furniture on my next post (which may or may not be the reason I haven't blogged in 2 weeks), but I'll have to show you next time because I'm blogging from my in laws' computer today.

Where to start...list form is never a bad idea.

-We moved into our new apartment 4 houses down, and we're lovin it
-I went to girls' camp for 2 days and then came home early because my allergies were HORRIBLE- I actually thought I was sick! But then I came back to good ol' dry, desertous Moses Lake and I was fine
-The day after I got home I unpacked and organized everything in 6 hours
-We've had Bruce longer than we had Gracie for

Some insights:

-Marriage makes good things better, and bad things worse
-Our stake president told us that if every couple attended the temple together every month, there would be no divorces in our stake
-I think that people with small boobs can accomplish anything.

That's all I've got to say about that. Now I'm going to get my nails done with my sweet SIL Hailey. I love her. Life is good.


  1. Haha!! Your third insight is a good one. ;)

  2. ...And people with big boobs accomplish very little because the big boobs get in the way! Stupid big boobs!
